Hellođź‘‹, today we're gonna have a look at the first component of my data collection pipeline: the bro...
Hi, I'm Alex.
This blog is mainly about software development topics - especially, Kotlin, Java, Spring, … Hope you have a nice time looking around.
Father of twins, metal-head and part-time working for thing-it as a software engineer…
Recent Posts

Tracking Twitter User Behavior - The Model
Hello againđź‘‹, welcome to the second part of my series on understanding Twitter user behavior. Before...

Tracking Twitter User Behavior - The Overview
Hey theređź‘‹, it's been a while since my last post - which doesn't mean, I've been lazy. I've constant...

TIL: Connecting to the host from Testcontainers
TL;DR: Testcontainers allows you to expose a host's port to containers using Testcontainers.exposeHo...